Pablo's Blog Article -
Pablo, I was actually thinking about the death penalty a few days ago before I stumbled onto your post. I struggle with whether this is a suitable form of punishment or not. For the most part, I think capital punishment is too harsh for those convicted of crimes. On the other had, there are few cases where I would not lose sleep over somebody who committed a heinous act receive the death penalty. Because the majority outweighs the minority, I would lean towards getting rid of executions in the United States. The act alone makes us seem like we are stuck in old times. With so much emphasis on the eighth amendment in our class, I cannot see a better example of a cruel punishment. The big issue for me is that humans should have no business deciding whether someone keeps their life or not. Especially when 4% of inmates executed are found to be innocent. Any system that can have human error should not be allowed to decide if someone is killed. I also feel like most supporters of capital punishment are Christian conservatives. If this is the case, my mind is blown. Monumental aspects of Christianity are loving one another as well as the forgiving of sins, but in cases of convicted felons it does not apply? Yes I fully understand that it is terribly hard to forgive these people of their acts, but what good does putting them to death do. I do not believe justice is really served if that person dies as well for their crime. If you do not want to forgive these people, fine, but the court system still has no right to kill them. I mentioned in my participation #4 that we focus too much on punishment and not enough on rehabilitation and I believe that still applies. Again, I really had to think about how I felt on this issue and the more I write the more the death penalty becomes a no brainer for me. It is an outdated practice and has no business in today's society.
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