Friday, November 18, 2016

In Response to USA Politics

       So I too agree with you. How in the world did we get to the point of having somebody like Donald Trump to be our president? I as well have no respect for Mr. Trump, but when you look at his presidential campaign I think he was pretty genius. He played right into what conservatives felt was wrong with our nation and fed them what they wanted to hear. I don' necessarily think that Donald Trump believes all the controversial things he has said. Like I said earlier, he's just playing the game. However, whether he believes his words or not, he SAID them, which is inexcusable in itself. What's heart breaking from this political season is that Donald Trump gave a voice to racists and started a scary movement. The most positive thing to come out of this election to me is that many people have now been exposed. They saw a high power person say what they have always wanted to say and now feel like they have the freedom to do so themselves as well. I will never look down on anyone who voted for Donald Trump, as that is their right to do so. Who am I to judge for having a different opinion than myself? What absolutely infuriates me though is backing their vote for him for Islamophobic, xenophobic, and homophobic reasons. Yet again though, it's been cleverly disguised as "we're just trying to keep our country safe". I call b.s. on that. You also mentioned that Donald Trump never really had a plan. It's crazy how pretty much all we heard from him was "we're going to have the best this and best that and win win win" and people just ate that up, with no context as to how we are going to have the best policies. In my opinion, there isn't going to be a wall. Unless the public cries hard enough since the approval of others matters so much to him. He isn't going to repeal the ACA either. Reform it yes, but I do not think he is going to toss Obamacare out. As strict as he has also been on immigration, he is not going to have a complete shutdown of our borders as well as deport every illegal immigrant. If I'm right I'm interested to see how the right wing reacts to this. Donald Trump played into the nation's disappointment of Obama and the Democratic Party, the fact that America is not as great as it was, as well as the fact that he is a fresh face in the political sphere. As bummed as I am that he got elected, I find it sad that so many people wish him to fail. While I think he is in no definition a man, I hope he does well in his presidency.

USA Politics Post:

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