Friday, September 23, 2016

The Importance of Our Next Supreme Court Justice

       An article from CNN informs us that, Donald Trump continues to release names of those he sees fit to replace former Supreme Court justice, Antonin Scalia. This move is deemed unusual, because past nominees have only described the kind of justices to hold the position. In a effort to ensure the Republican party of his legitimacy, Trump is making it known that he will appoint a conservative to the open seat. He has also added the names of "three non-white judges" to his list. Is he pandering to the minority vote, or is Donald Trump genuinely considering these three judges?
        The article is an important read because it gives an insight to who will become the newest Supreme Court justice. The next president will have the opportunity to select this person, after confirmation by Senate. The next court justice is crucial because they can interpret the law conservatively or liberally. From Scalia's death to now, the Supreme Court has been gridlocked many times 4-4. Which ever president that you vote for will appoint a person that lines ups with their political ideals. A new justice will tip the scale in either way, entering a liberal or conservative era for many years to come.